Sunday, May 31, 2009

so did not get out for a structured walk - however i did buy a chainsaw - i know a little weird - but needed it for my hedges. Figured I keep hiring someone to do them every year - I might as well do them myself. So started on that project - more hedge than i imagined - but all the walking to and from the front has got to add up to something! I think as long as I am active it is a good thing. Off today for a picnic - should be fun and maybe will walk down by the lakeshore.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

so was a little bit of a fair weather walker - I need to get over my fear of rain! Did get out for a walk last night about 30-40 minutes. I made plans to get out today - so will keep on walking but it is easier to let myself get distracted with the everyday stuff. So will keep it up. Will be interesting how well I do this weekend on the food - got a party for my sis on sunday - I have no excuses since I am doing the cooking

Friday, May 29, 2009

what a week - I finally landed in a new role - I am soooooo excited. The trick for me will be to keep on walking. What I used to do was keep my shoes in my car and walk on my lunches. So I will try to keep it up. Then I had promised to do a charity walk with a friend in support of juvenille diabetes. I thought it was 5 k - oops 8 k - oh well i have a week to pick up the distance. The challenge for me in my new role will be the food. I am off to a meeting next week and i have no control over the food - I have control over how much I eat - but the lunches and breakfasts are pre ordered - I will have to think my way around that. eeeeee I am excited - a whole new start.
tally ho!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Doors Open

Off to Doors open Toronto where I am sure I will be doing lots of walking following by dinner at friends so probably a mixed bag today, good on the exercise side and challenges on the food side- we will see I will try my best and report back later.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

so was out last night with a friend walking again - it is becoming a routine - but today went to the market with one of the kidlings - go for a walk with a friend - then kidling and I are walking to a friends house for dinner. So figure I am getting my walking in today - I am planning for another pivotal interview on Monday - so I hope it goes really well. The walking is a good way to clear my mind and think things over - so will make the most of it - wonder how all the walking is going to balance out with the bread I am making as I blog. Remembering a half marathon in 5.5 months!


Thursday, May 21, 2009

had a good day - 2 interviews but am nervous to hear the results - so after a long day of talking about meeeee I went to a board meeting to plan future of aquatic sports in Guelph. Very cool. I did walk on the university campus and am thinking about going out for a longer walk now. I am going to see kidling tomorrow for a few hours and take my mind of this job hunting. cross your fingers

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Weeded AND Walked

What a beautiful day! I decided to get out and do a bunch of weeding again today, that is definitely a workout! I had decided that would be my activity for the day and was OK with that but then it is just so beautiful out I decided to go for a walk too so I threw on my shoes, grabbed my ipod and out I went. It was great! Did my "long" route which is about 3.4 k, I even found myself pushing my pace subconsciously which is a good sign (and I think the music helps me do that).

Thanks for posting the link for the half marathon, I will check it out and having a target helps. I think regular walks with a long one on the weekend is a good pattern for training.

I am happy that I am fitting more activity into my day, and making an effort to do so. I will continue to work on doing this. Two other things I want to do fitness-wise is to start bringing swimming back into the mix as well as my bike. Not immediately because I am building back slowly and dont want to overdo it or be unrealistic but over the next few weeks to get out for a swim and bike or two.

Food wise continuing to do OK, still room for improvemnt but also making progress there too YAY!
Okay training for the marathon oh yah half marathon. I found a post for it and I am pretty much on track. So I will put the link up = the key is to keep on moving and move almost everyday. I think we intuitively know what we need to do.

I will keep you posted on how my training is going - but I seem to be doing a pretty good job. I do need to have a longer walk on the weekends but will get there. I do know that I have to walk everyday no break for the weather unless it is the planned day off!
hey sis - glad you are moving to. I must admit my commitment to you to walk a half marathon is keeping me on the straight and narrow. I know that if I can do it you can to and vice versa. So lets both keep moving. We were sports kids and sporty adults once! I had a great walk with Karen last night and discovered even more trail at my front door. I have no reason not to walk more than around the block. In fact I can walk for hours and never see a car! I had a really good interview yesterday and woke up earlier this morning excited for the day to begin. I hope this is a sign of things to come. In fact I was going to go out and get a walk in before the kidling got out of bed. I can not even believe this is me talking! I am making more healthy food and not having the snackeroos in the house and if I don't have them and have to cook a snack - guess what -- I am not eating them. I will keep you posted on 2 or 3 walks today

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Just home from Curves

Thanks sis! Reading your post helped me get of my butt this aft and off to Curves. Walked there and back and had a great walk, it is beautiful out and a good workout, feel nicely tired right now. Slowly but surely I am going to drag myself kicking and screaming back to an active lifestyle. Once I'm there I'm good but getting there is def a struggle. I ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS feel better after working out so why is it so hard to get there sometimes??

Anyways tomorrow I am planning on a walk and am going to go charge my ipod so it is ready for me to go tomorrow.

Doing Ok on the eating side, definitely eating healthier foods but could probably start working on reducing portions over steps!
so I am going to go to the horse show every day - I walked and walked and walked. I mean even if you have to go to the bathroom.... you have to walk. I guess that explains why all the riders are in such good shape - so yesterday, Sunday, I did not walk as much- kind of taking a bit of a day off. I simply walked around the block/park for 20 minutes. I have a few interviews this week so am preparing for them and used the walking time to clear my head and focus my ideas. Cross your fingers. I am hoping to get out for a walk before my interview this morning - but will have to see if the kidling is looking for a ride or not to school. Off to get walking and moving - there is no excuse there does not appear to be rain in the forcast for a week or so

Saturday, May 16, 2009

So today - I walked the hill with friends. Found out is is a 4 km hike. All my walking has certainly started to pay off since I was not the one getting winded! Then had a great time over a tea with my hiking pals. Then was surprised by a friend with a pedi and mani - man I forgot how much I like this. To top it off - I walked to and from her house for dinner. Am I ever spoiled. the question I have is. Is the walk to and from considered one walk or 2? Since I did spend 2 hours at her house. This way I would have been on 3 walks today. I have shared my sisters and my goal of walking a half marathon. Now it is real and we have to make it happen. Just keep moving, just keep moving, just keep moving. Tomorrow I am up at the horse show - so I am going to avoid using the golf cart and walk more. Keep you posted

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Back to the gym

Congrats on all the walking!!!

My ankle is almost back to normal and I think it is good enough to go back to Curves later this aft. So I WILL go and report back later.


I went, just got back yay! It was pretty good, walked there and back. Only a few twinges and problems getting my shoe back on but other than that it was good, and I went!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

3 walks in one day - not bad and finding it is not so far to walk home from a friends place - lots of time to think. come to think of it it was when the realization that all I had to do was start walking more came to me when I was walking from Karen's house. So thank you Karen for living just far enough to allow the creative juices to flow in my mind as I walk. So will keep on walking and I actually enjoyed the drizzle today o almost turned around and went back into the house. The best part of it was there was no one else out.

Post to you all later
another day - 2 walks! - and I got a few errands done along the way. I had an interview that went pretty well so feeling pretty good. I tried out the kids ipod attachment that counts your steps/speed when walking. I am going to try and keep it up and see if I am going further and faster. When I was walking yesterday came across 3 deer - they watched me intently but did not run away. It makes walking so nice to have a place to go that is different and the only way to describe it is fresh. Today I will get out walking again - the more you do it the more you want to go.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Yay for you for walking!!!

I considered going back to curves today but opted for running errands and yardwork instead. Perhaps tomorrow. I did get a fair bit of walking in around the mall and which included buying new batteries for my exercise bike :)

I have just finished doing a bit of yard work as well, cut the grass and started working again on pulling out the weeds that seem to do so well in my yard. Who decided weeds were ugly anyways? Wouldn't it be much simpler to let the thigs that want to grow, grow?

Anyways am now sitting outside with a coffee enjoing the warmth and the feeling of being nicely tired after some activity.

went for 2 walks yesterday - even with a bad back! went to pay a bill for a friend and then walked with another through a park. The chiro said the best thing to help my back right now is ......walking! I think I already knew that but the idea of moving at first when things hurt - ouch -- so the key is just keep moving just keep moving just keep moving. This should work.

I am moving better this morning and hoping that after I get moving more - every thing is going to be okay. So the food thing is sorting itself out since I am avoiding the grocery store and I have discovered bbq chicken with bbq sauce! who needs anything else. Well of course fresh apples and I am good to go.

Monday, May 11, 2009

so did not go on an official walk yesterday - but help set up the "remote stable" for the horse show. I did a fair bit of walking here there and everywhere. Even walking to the bathroom was a distance. No wonder those riders are in such good shape - everything is a walk. The bad thing is my back is out now-- so sister - i feel your pain and frustration. I booked an appt with the chiro for this afternoon. I am still thinking I might be able to walk over to the bank to pay a bill for a friend. So I know the key is to keep moving - the one good thing is I not getting of my couch to get food!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Plan C.5

OK so I had decided I would try to go for a walk today, then it started raining with major thunderstorms. Ok so plan B, I'll ride my exercise bike so I head downstairs and get on the bike resistance- the batteries are dead. Thats not a problem I have lots of batteries so I go get the new ones and chnage them. Hmmm that doesn't help so I guess I need to buy some fresh ones. Well then the weather clears..perfect I will go back to my original plan and go for a walk. But I couldn't get my shoe on my sprained ankle, both due to swelling and pain.

Sidenote I am definitely calling the Dr on Monday.

Anyways fiddled around with the shoe and laces and diff ankles and was able to get my shoe on and managed to make it out for a short walk. Yay!

Better today

Definitely feeling better today. Still a bit sore with certain movements but overall improved. Am going to try going out for a walk...a short one but at least I will get out there. Did groceries the other night so I have a fridge full of healthy foods. Back on track!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Maybe tomorrow

Still stuck on the couch for a good part of the day. Doing better but not well enough to get out exercising. I had wanted to get back to curves, maybe tomorrow.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

went for a great walk yesterday - guess I should call it a hike - the trilliums were in full bloom. Run into a 2 foot snake and a very large snapping turtle. Also two very cool tiny little butterflies a black orange and white, and an brilliant indigo. Not to mention all the birds. It is nice that I can get exercise and enjoy all this. The think I realized about hiking was it is not flat - it takes effort to go up and down those hills. I did break a sweat. so today I have an interview - will have to fit a walk in sometime. I guess it all comes down to making thinks priorities again.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Well my ankle is improving everyday but now today I have a headache. I am really #$@#$% sick of feeling like @#$%$$#. If this isn't motivation to get back to regualr exercise and healthy eating I don't know what is. remind me of that whne I start feeling better.
so we are all sick here - cough, cough cough, and when we are done coughing we cough some more. However I have planned a hike with a friend for this afternoon. Hopefully I will get all my callig out of the way this morning. Not much happening on the job front - kind of sad - makes me wonder when i will finally land a job again and if i am being too selective. However, I do not want to work for free and do want to like what i am doing so that i am happy when I get home. I think that that happiness would transfer into all aspects of my life - including my willingness to follow my lifestyle changes. Maybe this is in part why I went so far off track - change is good but want to make the right changes not change for the sake of change.
cough cough wish me luck on my walk

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

just got back from my walk at the university. I got out my nordic walking sticks - and yes I felt it in my upper body - but what a great day for a walk - the trilliums are out and so are the #*@& mosquitos! I really felt the difference with the poles - I will have to look into why your upper body is sooo much more engaged with the poles.
It was a great way to start my day. So now I will focus on getting some resumes and cover letters out and making a few phone calls. I have not felt the urge to eat anything but my breakfast. might have one of the yummy market apples in a bit.
Hoping my walking buddy is back in the mode soon - I can't wait to take her to some of my new walking destinations. As I was walking today and finding it a little challenging I was wondering when did just walking become so hard - i still can't believe i have slipped soooo far. Oh well at least I am doing something about it

Slowly Improving

Well bit by bit my ankle is healing, still limping a bit and stairs are a pain but definitely better than the last few days. Unfortunately I haven't been eating any better. I do know that my eating habits tend to improve quite a bit when I am exercising and obviously the reverse is what does that tell me? Nothing I don't already know but it just reinforces what I know I need to be doing. I might try Curves tomorrow and just do the parts I can such as the arm and ab weights, to get me back on track before I lose the motivation that was giving me.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Ha Ha - yes my walking bubby is out of comission. I had not realized that I had made such a typo - but i guess if I had then i would have fixed it-- and no longer be able to laugh at it! I guess my sister is now stuck with a new name.

I did manage to get out for a walk this weekend - but also had a few social situations that made eating celery and lettuce leaf a little more challenging. I have found that I am staying away from alcohol too - not that I drank much - but one or two drinks a week can add up. So what am I really saying instead of two drinks I had one - oops I had a beer when I came home last night -- so there goes that theory!

I will get out walking today and am meeting with my coffee club to see if I can get back on track or if they have any brilliant ideas on what it will take to GET A JOB! So see yah later and will try to keep the typos to a minimum.

Maybe it was devine intervention that my sister is no longer my buddy but rather my bubby-- hey it is better than being called bubba.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Set Backs

Well I think I am in a better frame of mind today. I was pretty bummed out over spraining my ankle on Frday just when I was startng to get back into the exercise and eating properly thing and feeling super motivated. Needless to say the last few days have been spent on the couch and meals have been whatever was closest and did not require preparation. My ankle is feeling a little bit better today. I am going to guess I'll be mostly healed in a week and what is a week in the grand scheme of things? So for today I am going to try to eat more healthily and maybe tomorrow I can try a few mins on my exercise bike.

Saturday, May 2, 2009


OK I am still feeling cranky but have to lol at walking bubby :)

Typos always crack me up for some reason.
Stupid sidewalk

Friday, May 1, 2009

For the most part got the house cleaned up today, applied for a few jobs, did a few loads of laundry but guess what did not get done....hmmmm..... did not get out for a walk. In fact, I almost avoided it. I am feeling a little better about things but not happy that I still do not have a job - but was really busy today so did not snack nearly as much. I am meeting friends for a drink tonight - think it will be fun - maybe I will walk to the pub! Off to do the first round of kid drop off.
Hope my walking bubby recovers quickly - she might have sprained her ankle...