Thursday, April 30, 2009

kid is still sick.... just waiting till I fall ill. I know it is a matter of time the odds are against me. He actually suggested we go out for a walk over lunch - will take him up on it. I have been doing okay with the walking thing but snacking here and there not sure how good I have been - at least they have been healthy snacks - it is the volume over all that counts. I am heading to a funeral later today kind of sad - just a reminder to that we only have a defined period of time and we need to be as healthy as possible to enjoy what we have here. So I will get moving again. I want to get a job and have a sense of purpose along with being a mom, taxi etc.... keep you posted

Getting Fit

Yesterday was a good day. I was a bit busy and hard pressed to fit in a walk but I arrived early for my class last night and went for a bit of a walk first instead of killing time having a coffee or something. I think this Curves thing has really helped me commit. At least so far, it has only been 3 days lol. But I think that is what is needed. Motivation will come and go, but if I am truly committed I will find a way to make things happen regardless of how I feel. Like last night. I am really hoping I can keep this up. I miss the old me that use to love being active and fit. I know it will take work to get back there but I think it will be worth it. Going for my second workout at Curves later this am. Yay!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

so another day - another sick kid... oh well .. I am really getting frustrated with this looking for a job business. I have made phone calls, e-mails, personal contact - no one is hiring right now. I feel the frustration starting to get to me. What I do not want to let get to me is breaking the walking routine I have finally started. So to reach a goal, one has to have a plan. I will work on getting a job for this morning. Then I am going to meet a friend who is also looking for a job, and go for a long hike. This way we can talk strategy and get our exercise in as well. All this while I take care of my sick son. I need to get in the right frame of mind to make sure when the interview comes along - I can get that job!

Day 3 and feeling good

Yay for walking to errands! And looking for a job is frustrating. I know you are sick of hearing me say this, but keep at it and the right one will come along. Walking when you are feeling stressed is one of the best things you can do (I should take my own advice). And a hike on a beautiful day like today will be wonderful. I'll bet you $1 million you feel better afterwards :)

Hope sick boy feels better soon and he doesn't pass it back to his sister, but rather out of the house for good!

Curves yesterday was great. I had a good workout in and today although I am not really sore I can definitely tell I worked out. Back again tomorrow. I am planning on going Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. In between I will try to get some extra walks in.

Food wise seem to be doing OK. I am going to spend a bit of time cooking so that I have stuff ready to go, I don't always feel like making a full meal everynight so if I can have some stuff on hand it should make life easier. I made a big pot of tomato sauce yesterday. Today I am going to turn it into chili, lentil/dahl thing and spaghetti sauce. I am also soaking kidney beans, some will go into the chili, the rest will be used for caribbean rice and beans yum.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

So I finally walked to my errands today after it stopped raining. I have enlisted my kids to encourage me to walk where ever I want to go. I am lucky for the most part, I can do that. I am okay on the food part and have not been snacking. Have only had 2 diet cokes today - believe me I am making progress! My biggest challenge is going to be having to cook for my family when all I really want is a bowl of soup.

After walking I feel a lot better and already noticing that it is not as much work to walk. The mailbox is just a hop, skip and a jump away - no longer a walk...

Day 2

Ready to go for day two. Yesterday when I checked my mailbox there was a flyer from Curves. You can join for 30 days, no other commitment and be part of a study. I called and am going to go there this afternoon. To participate in the study you have to commit to 3 workouts a week. I have never been a big gym person so I like the idea of limiting it to a 30 day commitment. Also this will be something new and different so I hope it will help me get back in the exercise habit. It is close by so I can walk there getting in a bit of a walk as well.

Food wise I don't see any particular challenges today so we shall see. One of my other goals this month is to try to limit what I buy at the grocery store. I have a pretty full pantry and freezer so I need to use some of that stuff up. Going to try to limit my food purchase for the next month to fruits/veggies and dairy.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Day 1 was not too bad

Well I had a pretty good day too. Good luck passing up the birthday cake. I am lucky I am not as good a baker as you :)

Food wise things went well, tomorrow I am going to make a fruit salad to have on hand for the munchies.

I did manage to get out for a walk. It was a beautiful day and I had a really nice walk. I always enjoy it when I go so why is it sooooo hard to just put my shoes on and head out the door??
So made it through most of the day - tonight I am making roast beef and birthday cake - going to try and do it without the cake. I feel like i have not stopped running around today. Instead of grabbing a granola bars went for the cherry tomatoes-- and am going to try to cut back on the diet coke (is there rehab for diet coke drinkers??) - hopefully I will keep up the positive outlook. lucky to have a supporting sister who is doing it too!
So, finding a way to work more walking into your day. I know we are suppose to walk 10,000 steps a day -- somehow I do not do this anymore. It hit me yesterday when I had to park 5 minutes away from the pool - I thought this was a huge hike! So just need to get moving more. I am planning on trying to walk more for errands. Today - I have to ship something back to a rewards program - so my commitment is to walk to the courier. I will start wearing a pedometer and keep you posted on how far I get. Wish me luck.

1/2 of the walking sisters
OK so today is officially day one. Going to start with some leftover raw (and healthy) cookies (mmmm) and have a bit of fruit later on. Exercise goal for the day is to go for a walk. Today should be a straightforward day but I need to make sure I plan properly around my French class and split dinner in to two. If I eat before my class I am hungry when I get home, and if I eat after I am starving through class and will make choices that are fast not necessarily good. So that is the plan for today.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Getting started

Well we need to do something! So we are trying out blogging to see if it is something we can both use to aid us in our weightloss and fitness goals. My goal is to lose weight and get back to the fit person I used to be.