Monday, July 20, 2009

Got another walk in again today. they have been shorter walks but hey at least I am getting out there right???

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Went for a walk tonight. Yay!!

Friday, July 3, 2009

so have walked and walked and when I was done walking -walked some more -- I could not even avoid the rain because yes we were puppy sitting. It was a lot of fun and really good for my exercise plan. I am a little worried that the puppy has gone home and I am going away for a few days. Oh well it is almost habit now. I am also trying to park further from stores etc so that I get at least a few extra steps in. Wish me luck off to write an exam.


Keeping it up

Got my walk in yesterday too. At least three days in a row now yay!!

Walking does wonders to clear the mind.

When I lived in Vancouver I used to start every day with a 45min-1 hr walk by the beach. I would pick up a Starbucks along the way and sit on a park bench for a bit and just look out over the water. That was very calming and a good time to think. Sometimes when I am struggling with a decision or other things, going for a walk helps clear my head and somehow the answer comes to me. I forgot about that and now am realizing how important that was/is to me. And as much as I like swimming, it isn't the same as my thoughts are consumed by counting lengths, mthinking about my stroke etc. although it is a great way to just get away from everything but walking is different. So in addition to all the fitness/weightloss benefits, it is also very helpful mentally as well. Yet one more reason to keep on going.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

On a roll

So I went for a walk yesterday too, my longer route again and it was great. I could feel myself starting to pick up the pace a bit as well- yay! I am also doing weight watchers again (on my own for now) and am down 2 pounds. Now if only this stupid strike would be over I could start swimming.

Todays planned walk is a trip to the library, prbable a medium walk.