... even though it looks like it is about to rain. I actually like walking on stormy days.
Was out earlier walking around and am about to go out for a second.
Here I go.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
I had forgotten how physical my job is. Being off for a few months i had forgotten how much walking, lifting etc there is. A good thing I have been walking lately. So on top of the job - I am puppy sitting for a friend. So walking and walking and walking is part of my everyday now. It feels good - don't know how I will notice a difference other than I do not dread a long walk. Better go take the puppy out.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
just home from yet another day at the horse show and yes in the rain - I figured if the horses could show in the rain I could walk to and from the ring in the mud - oh boy it was muddy. I did enough walking getting rain sheets (rain blankets for horses) rain coats for kidling and coffee to try and stay warm. I will sleep well and guess what - had a late lunch around 3 of a stir fry so am not planning on having anything heavier than a salad or fruit for supper. Back at the show tomorrow to bring everything and I mean everything home! I will get a lot of exercise there
Walking in the Rain
Well it looks like I am on the every other day plan- oh well that is better than nothing and I can keep working on increasing frequency as well as duration/distance.
It is quite rainy today but I decided to go for a walk anyways when it wasn't too bad. Of course it figures that just as I got going it started raining harder. I kept going and got totally soaked. Oh well I'll dry!
For today's walk I decided to pass by the local outdoor pool. It was closed last year due to repairs and practically unswimmable the year before because it was so cold (which is why it was closed for repairs last year). Anyways I wanted to see how things looked and even though they said it would be open this summer my cynical side was not expecting that it would be and even if it did, I figured it would be later on in the summer. Well what a pleasant surpirse it was already open.
In the pouring rain.
I was half way tempted to go home and get my bathing suit and go for a swim, and be the only one in the pool, just like old times - lol. But it is probably still cold since it is so early. So I settled on stopping in to find out the hours. 12-8 everyday. Perfect I will have to get there one day (at least) next week. It is actually a nice walk there and back, combined with a swim would be really good.
It is quite rainy today but I decided to go for a walk anyways when it wasn't too bad. Of course it figures that just as I got going it started raining harder. I kept going and got totally soaked. Oh well I'll dry!
For today's walk I decided to pass by the local outdoor pool. It was closed last year due to repairs and practically unswimmable the year before because it was so cold (which is why it was closed for repairs last year). Anyways I wanted to see how things looked and even though they said it would be open this summer my cynical side was not expecting that it would be and even if it did, I figured it would be later on in the summer. Well what a pleasant surpirse it was already open.
In the pouring rain.
I was half way tempted to go home and get my bathing suit and go for a swim, and be the only one in the pool, just like old times - lol. But it is probably still cold since it is so early. So I settled on stopping in to find out the hours. 12-8 everyday. Perfect I will have to get there one day (at least) next week. It is actually a nice walk there and back, combined with a swim would be really good.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Short but Sweet
So today it was raining, and I had to go to the post office but instead of driving I walked. It wasn't really a long walk but at least it was a walk and I didn't give into to driving despite the rain.
21K is a long way, gotta keep doing this!
21K is a long way, gotta keep doing this!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Today's walk
Well this morning I decided I was going to go to the market. I drove because I was intending to buy plants and didn't want to have to walk home with them in plastic bags. Anyways I ended up circling for a few blocks to find a spot. Ended up parking a bit far a way but not a problem, gives me an opportunity for a walk. So I wandered around the market, looked at the plants but there wasnt really anything I wanted. Wasnt much in the way of produce either but oh well got out for a bit of a walk. So I headed back to the car then remembered passing the newly renovated library while looking for parking. Took a detour and went to the library which is very nice and also added to my walk. So it ended up being a good trip and now I have a new destination for a walk.
Monday, June 15, 2009
That is great -it looks like we were both out yesterday being more active. That is the lifestyle I am aiming for. I spent it at the horse show and walked to and from the different show rings and stable. I was really really tired at times - but reminded me that I can walk and it is good for me. I noticed at the horse shows there are not too many overweight or out of shape people. I think I have figured out why. I am off to work shortly and am going to through some sensible walking shoes into my car to walk over lunch. I get the sore ankle in flip flops - I can not wear them for more than around the house - I just do not get enough support. Lets both keep working towards this new lifestyle - seems to be working!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Beautiful Day
It was gorgeous here today, no excuses for not getting out for a walk. I met up with some friends for a picnic. We went for a big huge walk to get where we were going and then the same again to get back. It was lovely. Then I went for a wander in the market. It was just too nice to stay inside. Tonight I am tired - but a good tired. My ankle was a bit sore, my fault for wearing flip flops, but I should be fine by my next walk... first thing tomorrow morning!
So yesterday I tried every trick in the book, laundry, dishes, too tired, when this movie is over... I finally went out for a walk my kidling has more tricks than I (had to study for exams) so went out by myself. I was going to walk around the block then expanded it a little. I ran into some friends and was going to go over and have a glass of wine (undo all the good of the walk!) then her kidlings wanted to go to the convenience store. So I walked with her -because of course they did not want to be within 10 feet of us. So what started as a small walk around the block turned into a great chance to catch up with a friend and at least an hour long walk. Kidling was wondering where I had gotten to when I got home. His loss
Today off to a horse show - something is amiss when I start thinking about what to wear based around shoes that I can do a lot of walking in.... maybe this really is getting into my head...
Today off to a horse show - something is amiss when I start thinking about what to wear based around shoes that I can do a lot of walking in.... maybe this really is getting into my head...
Friday, June 12, 2009
hey I get the anchor/less thing - I love structure albeit loose structure. So here is what nudgy is proposing... you could come an clean my house, do my groceries, and you could walk to and from the grocery store. Since you would not want to get bored - you would have 3 to choose from and a fourth if you are really really interested in a challenge! All kidding aside - I think we both need to put some structure into our walking our half marathon is 5 months away! I am walking well on the 20-30 minute side I need to increase intensity and distance
Thursday, June 11, 2009
The nudging is good
In fact I am going out for my walk in about 3 minutes.
Not sure why I am not going. I think that it is partly because I am a bit anchor-less right now. Not sure where to focus my energies so am just a bit scattered. As much as I don't like structure, I do need some.
Well now that I write that I realize a regular walking pattern will only help.
Def want to do the marathon (1/2) and you are right it is not that far away.
Ok butt get yourself out the door. :)
OK I went for a walk, a short one mind you but I did go. Will try to get out again tomorrow.
Not sure why I am not going. I think that it is partly because I am a bit anchor-less right now. Not sure where to focus my energies so am just a bit scattered. As much as I don't like structure, I do need some.
Well now that I write that I realize a regular walking pattern will only help.
Def want to do the marathon (1/2) and you are right it is not that far away.
Ok butt get yourself out the door. :)
OK I went for a walk, a short one mind you but I did go. Will try to get out again tomorrow.
okay nudgy here - want to know if you feel better blogging again and facing the fact that you are avoiding the walking for whatever reason or would you rather I leave you alone. Because I have told way way to many people we are doing that half marathon and the date is fast approaching.....you cannot cannot back out on me-- too scared to do it on my own
Haven't been blogging....
...because I haven't been walking. No real excuses other than letting myself get busy with other stuff.
Well thanks for the nudges sister I am going to get myself out for a walk today.
At least I have been doing lots of gardening, pulling weeds is murder on the hamstrings :)
I've planeted tomatoes, cucumbers, beans and peppers. I am going to arrange my walk todat to pass by the little shop I get my plants from and pick up some lettuce. OK there I have committed to doing my walk. Will report back later.
Well thanks for the nudges sister I am going to get myself out for a walk today.
At least I have been doing lots of gardening, pulling weeds is murder on the hamstrings :)
I've planeted tomatoes, cucumbers, beans and peppers. I am going to arrange my walk todat to pass by the little shop I get my plants from and pick up some lettuce. OK there I have committed to doing my walk. Will report back later.
sooo my kidling did not want to walk with me last night. What is with today's youth! His excuse was he had to study for an exam - can you imagine his education vs. my health -haha. So I did go out with a friend for a walk only about 30 minutes. The mosquitos got in the way. It is feeling good to get out walking even when I am really really tired. I worked a conference yesterday and was so pleased to see customers reaction to the products I will be selling -- happy happy happy. Maybe instead of walking I should be doing a happy dance.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
so finally started my new job and have still managed to get out for a walk. Grabbed a kidling last night and went for a walk. He resisted at first then he suggested we go for a longer walk! Maybe I have a walking partner in the making. It is harder fitting everything in while trying to work and have a life. I did meet up with friends last night for a birthday celebration. I could have worked but we were all getting dressed up in "little black dresses" so I ended up driving. I need to find better solutions. So I am off to work today and going to work a conference so will make sure I walk around the conference as well.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
So managed a charity walk then picked up a friends puppy for the night. Big mistake - forgot how much Ihad to walk an active puppy! I think I must have walked at least 10-12k that day. Yesterday officially started my new job. Really nice people and like the job. I must be making walking part of my daily way of life since I dropped off the motor home for my daughter then decided to walk to the site instead of getting a lift. I said without even hesitating - I needed to stretch my legs. Only got about a 5-10 minute walk but better than riding on the golf cart.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
just finished my first charity walk! it was suppose to be 8k but race organizers had to make it 5.5k because course was too wet or something. It was a bit of a challenge but felt great to get moving in a group and for a good cause. I walked with friends and was able to walk at the lake - does not get much better. So Donna and I decided to do one of these charity walks a month - One of my kidlings has gone away for 2 weeks and I start my new job tomorrow - so no time like the presence to really make a change in my life. I am puppy sitting for one night and the cutest puppy is full of energy so going to have to take him out for a bit of walk - oh well good for me!
Saturday, June 6, 2009
So yesterday - did not go "walking" but went downtown to a baseball game and walked to friends house after parking, walked to and fro ball game after parking - so I know I am stretching it but... I had a really great night with a good friend. He has some pretty serious cancer to deal with and some stuff behind it. None the less we managed to laugh a lot and talk a lot. When someone gets sick you think about yourself sometimes and why I am not doing everything I can to keep myself healthy. So I am even more determined to keep moving and eating better. The problem is I love parties and food! I guess it is all choices I did it before and had a great time so I can do it again. Tomorrow joining a friend and her family on a walk to benefit type 1 diabetes - I don't know why but I am a little overwhelmed by it being 8 k vs 5k that I originally thought. I know I will get through it but worried that I am not in good enough shape. One step at a time. I know it is for a really goood cause. Wish me luck and I will keep you posted
Friday, June 5, 2009
So just back from the first 2 days of meetings did I mention that I really like my new job. However the only walking I did was down the street (10 minutes) to the pub! So last night grabbed a kidling and headed out for a walk. He did not want to come, but came around and we actually extended what we had planned to do. What a great way to find out what is happening with the kidlings. So have 1 more day until I officially get started and am off to the ball game tonight - hopefully I can refuse the hotdogs!
Will try to get moving more and am planning on keeping my shoes in the car incase I am inspired to take a quick walk
Will try to get moving more and am planning on keeping my shoes in the car incase I am inspired to take a quick walk

Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Well I actually did get out for a walk. It helped that I was out of coffee and planned my route to pass by the local coffee shop. LOL.
Anyways it was a great walk, and now that we are going to have a few nice days it should be easier to get out. Not that weather should really be an excuse but it is.
I am also going to head out to the market later to do some walking/ shopping so I'll get a second one in today too.
I'm still trying to find the strategy that is going to work for me food wise. I have a couple of good days and then I get busy or am out a lot and it falls apart. Ahhhh.
Anyways as long as I keep trying. Two things I know: I can't let myself get too hungry so I need to make sure I eat breakfast and plan for some healthy snacks. Also planning ahead and having foods on hand that I like really help. Last nigth I had some leftover veggie sushi that was really good, really healthy and super filling. I need to have a repertoire of meals like this and then make sure I have those ingredients on hand.
Anyways it was a great walk, and now that we are going to have a few nice days it should be easier to get out. Not that weather should really be an excuse but it is.
I am also going to head out to the market later to do some walking/ shopping so I'll get a second one in today too.
I'm still trying to find the strategy that is going to work for me food wise. I have a couple of good days and then I get busy or am out a lot and it falls apart. Ahhhh.
Anyways as long as I keep trying. Two things I know: I can't let myself get too hungry so I need to make sure I eat breakfast and plan for some healthy snacks. Also planning ahead and having foods on hand that I like really help. Last nigth I had some leftover veggie sushi that was really good, really healthy and super filling. I need to have a repertoire of meals like this and then make sure I have those ingredients on hand.
So have not been out on a walk in 2 days - I have been working in the yard and dealing with the #$@% hedges. So hopefully will finish the worst off today and take them to the dump! Then planning on going for a walk this evening and packing to go off to my first meeting for my new job!
I am sooooo excited.
I am sooooo excited.
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