Friday, October 8, 2010


Today was a so so day. Woke up with a headache which always throws me off. I ended up getting out of bed only to lie on the couch for a while so I didn't eat breakfast until later.

Then I headed out to do my Thanksgiving day shopping as I wanted to avoid the weekend crowds so I ended up being out over lunch without planning for it so I ended up coming home hungry and having snacky foods instead of a proper meal. To top it off, I had pea soup and leftover potatoes for dinner, yummy but not very protein heavy so now I am hungry. The upside is that I am having some veggies and dip- I bought a mix pack of pre-cut broccoli, cauliflower and carrots and dip. So with this snack I have met all my healthy guidelines for the day, something I am trying hard to do.

I have had to dip a bit into my activity points because I used up all my weeklies earlier this week. That is OK though as long as I don't go into the negative numbers.

Plus, I will be earning another batch tomorrow with swimming. I can't quite say I am looking forward to it yet, still a bit apprehensive about a 1.5 hr workout, but I know I will feel fantastic afterwards.

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