Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Lol- Had to change the number of days because it took me a few to get started. But now that I have, it is going pretty well. I have been on track food wise for the past few days, am tracking and making better choices. I need to be mindful about eating enough protein and watching the carbs. I went to the market this am and got some venetian pears which I love, also some Macintosh apples but they are not at their best. Still having a bit of a struggle to get myself exercising but today I came downtown to look at fabric stores. I am getting the urge to get back into sewing so I wanted to look at fabrics. didn't buy anything but I did get a bit of a walk in while shopping so that was good. I am noticing I have a little bit of pain in my left heel and am worried about getting a heel spur so I am going to be careful about the walking for the next week or so and see how it goes. I have a lovely exercise bike all set up so I will try to make better use of that. And of course I have my swimming as well. So all in all feeling good and heading in the right direction.

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