Thursday, October 7, 2010


Watching portions and dog walking are awesome!! this has to be something you can do long term.

I wish there was a swim for you too! I tried looking for you this am but the one at the University is super expensive ($900 for the year or $99/month). Couldn't see anything in parks and rec like mine :(

I really enjoyed my swim today even though I tried my best to come up with a valid excuse to miss and go home instead lol.

I have to say i am proud of myself for lasting through a 1.5 hour workout and I can honestly say I didn't slack it at all. I swam as hard as I was able. Totally wiped at the end but in a good way. I even had a few lengths of backstroke that felt good, like I was a real swimmer!

Food wise things were pretty good today too. I ad some of my soup at lunch and the scalloped potatoes at dinner. I am slowly working more fruits and veg into my meals. Easy at this time of year with all the great produce at the market this time of year. I got some venetian pears this week. I think I almost like them better than Mac apples.....almost :)

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