Wednesday, October 6, 2010


So yesterday didn't finish as well as it started. The problem was being away from home pretty much the whole day and not planning for meals properly. I had intended to have Subway for dinner but there wasn't one near where I was and also I came across a cheese shop that sold cheese curds so that is what I had for dinner. Aside from being very pointy they didn't fill me up enough to last until 9 (when I got home) so when i got home I was hungry and had some more to eat.

On the plus side, I did decide to track it all this am and it wasn't as bad as i thought. Definitely manageable - I'm out of weekly points but that just gives me more incentive to exercise through the rest of the week.

A bit later....

Just finished 20 mins on the exercise and it wasn't too bad. Tomorrow am is swimming and I made some pea soup as well as scalloped potatoes, neither of which I have had in a while so a bit of progress on the cooking more/new things front too!

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