Friday, January 29, 2010

On a roll.....

...exercise wise and it feels great. After my swimm on Tues, I went fopr a walk Wed (my longer route- 3.4K) and also a walk yesterday (about 2k). Today I plan to ride my exercise bike and tomorrow I am making plans to go swimming again. Sunday might be a skating day. It feels great to be getting back to a habit of regular exercise and coincidentally (not really) I have been staying on track with WW and eating within my points. Yay. Ok so it is 1/2 week out of the many that will need to follow but it feels really good to be on track- why would I mess that up?


So I managed to do 30 mins on the exercise bike which is longer than I can usually do- 20 mins has been the max until now mostly because I get bored but today I had a magazine to read as well as the TV so it wasn't too bad. Evn better, my plans for swimming have been confirmed- whoo hoo!

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