Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My Swim

OK so I have been talking about this forever and finally for the first time since the outdoor pool closed at the end of the summer I got back in the pool. Yay! It took making plans to meet up with a friend to get me there but hey it worked. I had wicked headaches all day long yesterday and if it was just me I wouldn't have gone. Lying on the couch wasn't making my headaches any better so I figured I might as well try a swim. It went OK although my bathing cap hurt so I had to take it off. I can't say I swam well but I did swim, lots of rests at the end of the lane to but that is OK as I work my way back into it. We swam for about 1/2 hour which I am happy with . By the end I started feeling really nauseous which sometimes happens to me when I have bad headaches but it went away after about 1 hr. I could feel the knots in my neck and shoulders when I swimming so I think keeping this up will be good for that. We are going to commit to a 1x/week swim for sure and try for a 2nd when we can. Yay!!

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