Sunday, January 17, 2010


I think we are both back on track!

Small changes, one foot in front of the other and eventually we will get there! I struggled a bit the last few days with not being satisfied with my meals and feeling like something more. I ended up using 23 of my extra points over the last few days to get me through but hey that is what they are for! And today I find myself full after dinner with 9 points left- go figure. I still have to get in 2 fruit/veggies and might have some popcorn later for a snack. No exercise today but I have exercised the last 5 days in a row. Will do something tomorrow.

Now I am off to go work on my assignment....coming up with a full day meal plan to share with my sister and maybe try out this week.

1 comment:

  1. I feel ya! Those extra points are so valuable some days. :) Good for you for sticking to it - I'm blogging about my own weight loss efforts, hoping it helps with the whole "accountability" thing. Visit if you like:
