Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Weeded AND Walked

What a beautiful day! I decided to get out and do a bunch of weeding again today, that is definitely a workout! I had decided that would be my activity for the day and was OK with that but then it is just so beautiful out I decided to go for a walk too so I threw on my shoes, grabbed my ipod and out I went. It was great! Did my "long" route which is about 3.4 k, I even found myself pushing my pace subconsciously which is a good sign (and I think the music helps me do that).

Thanks for posting the link for the half marathon, I will check it out and having a target helps. I think regular walks with a long one on the weekend is a good pattern for training.

I am happy that I am fitting more activity into my day, and making an effort to do so. I will continue to work on doing this. Two other things I want to do fitness-wise is to start bringing swimming back into the mix as well as my bike. Not immediately because I am building back slowly and dont want to overdo it or be unrealistic but over the next few weeks to get out for a swim and bike or two.

Food wise continuing to do OK, still room for improvemnt but also making progress there too YAY!

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