Tuesday, February 2, 2010


orry you are having such a rough time.

My best advice (besides my unsolicited advice yesterday lol) would be to pick one thing that you can realistically focus on this week and do that. Don't worry about the other stuff for now. So what is realistic? Can you commit to 20 mins of activity per day? Can you walk at lunch? Go to the gym at lunch? Go a bit early to pick up the kids and walk while you are waiting? Or maybe you can commit to tracking. Take 5 mins after breakfast, 5 mins after lunch and same at dinner. That might help you feel more in control. What about getting in the habit of stopping in a coffee shop at some point during the day 2-3 times per week to get a few minutes to yourself and take some time to plan out the next few days. What HAS to get done, what would be nice to do and what doesn't really matter. What HAS to be done by you and what could be done by someone else...and who is that someone else? The kids? Someone you hire? Another parent? Maybe it is someone else's turn to do something. And finally be realistic. I know you don't want your kids to miss out on anything and the responsibility is all on you but the best thing you can do for them is give them a healthy mom and continue to set an example about what is important and that taking care of yourself is important.

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