Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The results are in!

I lost 2.8 lbs this week...yay!!! The extra exercise paid off. And the best part is that the more I do the better it feels and the easier it is to get out there next time.

This week's plan includes Tues and Sat swimming and some walks. I got some new running shoes so I am all set to ramp up my walking. I might walk to the pool tonight and see how that goes.

Food wise I have 2 dinners out this week - one at a Greek restaurant which will be fine- chicken souvlaki- I always get that and always enjoy it so no problems there. It is fairly easy to eat healthy with Greek. The other is a soul food restaurant which had been recommended by a friend. I have never been there. The menu doesn't look too point friendly so what I may end up doing is trying to stick to a half portion of whatever I order and bring the rest home. We'll see.

Anyways I have had two good weeks in a row and am feeling really positive atm. Here's hoping it continues!

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