Wednesday, February 3, 2010

SO far so good this week

Did my swim yesterday- it was good but I definitely could feel that I am using muscles that haven't been used for a while, I was a little bit tight but it was still a good swim. I had planned to walk today but wasn't really in the mood for it so I rode my ex bike for 30 mins instaed and it was good. Oh ya and we got snow lkast night. I contemplated leaving it to melt but I didn't and I was out there shovelling for 5 whole m inutes LOL.

Food wise I am doing fine. I decided to try a few new recipes this week. Yesterday I made an Indian Chick pea spread from one of my Moosewood cookbooks and it was delicious. One of the keys for me is to have good stuff on hand. I am not likely to make proper meals 3 times a day but am more likely to just grab something quick and easy. I find that if I cook in bulk and have some healthy choices on hand it makes things so much easier for me. I am having chicken tonight but am cooking some extra so that I will have stuff for tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on finding something else to replace the walking! Little things like that add up. :) I took my son by McDonald's on the way home tonight, and it would have been SO easy to order a sandwich - but I didn't. Little victories like that make it so much easier to have more.
