Saturday, May 22, 2010

Having a great week!

Something seems to have clicked..finally!! I am liking the WW online, the meetings are helpful for the most part but they become something else on the to do list and I found myself not wanting to go. Weighing in at home is not a problem and I can do it first thing when I wake up. Tracking everything really helps and I do like the online tool. I have a fridge full of healthy food plus a few little treats which I also think is important. I can still use some improvement in my exercise though. As someone who used to be pretty fit and into all kinds of activity it is hard to feel this out of shape. The thing is though it will only get worse if I don't do something about it. Not only that but I am fortunate to even be able to get out and walk or swim or whatever. So I went for a walk this am, in the rain even and it was great. So while I keep working on redeveloping healthy eating habits I need to keep trying to put physical activity back into my life. Onwards and downwards!!

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