Thursday, May 13, 2010

30 Day Challenge

So I challenged my sister to a 30 day 100% on track challenge. I'm still struggling with some ups and downs. I think overall I am doing better but better isn't going to get me there, I need more consistency. If I start to think about the big picture, it gets a bit overwhelming, so I am going to focus on the next 30 days and see where I am at at that point.

So starting today until Jun12th 100% following WW. I have a birthday int there and a few other challenges but that is how life goes and there is always the next event or holiday. If this is going to work, I need to work it no matter what is going on. So here we go. Day 1. So far so good lol. Planning a swim in a few hours, possible joining the gym tomorrow.

Over to you sis!

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