Saturday, June 6, 2009

So yesterday - did not go "walking" but went downtown to a baseball game and walked to friends house after parking, walked to and fro ball game after parking - so I know I am stretching it but... I had a really great night with a good friend. He has some pretty serious cancer to deal with and some stuff behind it. None the less we managed to laugh a lot and talk a lot. When someone gets sick you think about yourself sometimes and why I am not doing everything I can to keep myself healthy. So I am even more determined to keep moving and eating better. The problem is I love parties and food! I guess it is all choices I did it before and had a great time so I can do it again. Tomorrow joining a friend and her family on a walk to benefit type 1 diabetes - I don't know why but I am a little overwhelmed by it being 8 k vs 5k that I originally thought. I know I will get through it but worried that I am not in good enough shape. One step at a time. I know it is for a really goood cause. Wish me luck and I will keep you posted

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