Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Setting some goals

I'm floundering again. Doing some stuff right, some of the time, but not enough of it right enough of the time to get where I am going. So I thought setting some concrete goals might help.

So I think there are about 85 days until XMas (lol I should know this).

I would like to lose 25lbs by Xmas- this is about10 lbs per month for Oct and Nov and 5 for the part month of December. Very realistic.

There are no major events/travel/disruptions to get in my way until then. There is thanksgiving in a few weeks but over the years I have learned to manage that pretty well.

So I think I can do this.

Things that are going well:

1) Found a swim team that I really like- this will give me 2 x 1.5 hr workouts per week.
2) I have started to cook more again- this needs to continue

Things I need to step up to reach my goal:

1)Tracking. I really like the online WW but I am not consistent enough in my tracking. I think this is a major tool for me so for the next 85 days everything gets tracked- good or bad.
2) The swimming is a good start but I want to add in some more exercise. So I will commit to walking 3 times per week- short or long doesn't matter I just need to get out there. I have found in the past that exercise is a key success factor for me so I just need to do it. Not negotiable. Swimming is for 9 weeks and I will try to make every workout- if I miss I have to make it up.
3) Work towards decreasing my carbs, increasing my protein, which is a challenge for me, and reducing sugar.
4) Continue to increase the amount of times I am cooking and trying new recipes. Once new recipe per week is probably too much so maybe I will try something new once every two weeks. Leftovers can be put in the freezer for quick meals when needed.

I will start with this and see how it goes, and will use my weigh in weight from Sunday as my staring point.

Rewards are important but have never really been a big motivator for me but I will try the idea again. So at least for this week (or until next Sunday which is my weigh-in day) if I meet those 4 targets I will buy myself a Nicole Miller nail polish- I love the colours and absolutely do not need any more nail polish so would be a fun little reward. And I think it is important to reward myself for the behaviour changes, which I can control, rather than the actual pounds lost which is not in my control but will follow with the behaviour changes.

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