Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Day 2

Ready to go for day two. Yesterday when I checked my mailbox there was a flyer from Curves. You can join for 30 days, no other commitment and be part of a study. I called and am going to go there this afternoon. To participate in the study you have to commit to 3 workouts a week. I have never been a big gym person so I like the idea of limiting it to a 30 day commitment. Also this will be something new and different so I hope it will help me get back in the exercise habit. It is close by so I can walk there getting in a bit of a walk as well.

Food wise I don't see any particular challenges today so we shall see. One of my other goals this month is to try to limit what I buy at the grocery store. I have a pretty full pantry and freezer so I need to use some of that stuff up. Going to try to limit my food purchase for the next month to fruits/veggies and dairy.

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